~oOo~ WeLcOmE To JoDerZ AnD AmErZ SyT ~oOo~

xXxXxXxXxXx MwAhZ xXxXxXxXxXx

Heylo guys !! This is our first syt so dnt blame us if its a wee bitty crap :P:P lolz !! Anyhooes weve not got a gee bee yet lolz so once we get one well edit this n tell ya to syn it lolz !! :P anyhooes we betta goes lolz but av a look at the puics n stuff lolz bubiez


x X x X x X x X x    MwAhZ    x X x X x X x X x

BoUt MoI ( JoDiE)

He am jodie lolz !!! a got to mearns castle lolz wheeyy lolz koko !!!! aww man am bored man :S me n ma main mukka amy decided to make a syt actually we were tryin to make a syt for adges but the thing woodnt let us but hey heer we go lolz :D:D lolz btw if u dnt av a shoutout its probs cus like we forgot lolz not in an uncarin wey lolz jst cus we forgot lolz anyhoooooooooooooes jst tell us n well ad ye in :P:D lolz anyways am awayz luv ya all tunz n tunz

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx mwahz xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

. x.*.x clik on the first like n sign our gee bee x.*.x

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~ xox BoUt mOi ( AmY) xox ~

hey guys im amy lol

i live in ek n i go ti mearns lol

jods and me decided to make this lol lyk one day eh n then jodie did it n it loks gd gd :) lol

sign eh geebee pweez lol

okies bubi luv yis

x0x amy x0x